NCC España
25 de octubre de 2023

NCC Spain's Participation in the HPC Industry Summit in Berlin, Germany

Representatives from HPC NCC Spain were actively engaged in the HPC Industry Summit held at the GLS Campus in Berlin, Germany, from October 18 to 19, 2023. This summit, organized by EuroCC and FF4EuroHPC projects, centered around the rapidly evolving industrial landscape and the critical role that High-Performance Computing (HPC) plays in maintaining a competitive edge.

HPC Industry Summit

In today’s dynamic industry landscape, the adoption of High-Performance Computing (HPC) has become paramount for staying ahead of the competition. The HPC Industry Summit provides a unique platform for attendees to delve into the industrial uptake of HPC and to discover a multitude of use cases and success stories from SMEs across various sectors. These stories demonstrated how HPC has triggered innovations, streamlined processes, and maximized productivity.

NCC Spain’s Involvement in the Event

Fig.1 – Mr Alberto Gómez was a panelist in the panel discussion.

One notable highlight of the event was the participation of Alberto Antonio Gómez, a representative of NCC Spain, who served as a panelist during the session “From Contact to HPC User – The User Journey.” During this session, Mr. Gómez contributed on the discussions of the knowledge gap within the industry.

Many companies lack a clear understanding of what HPC means and what it can offer them. After extensive market analysis, NCC Spain created an “Introduction to Supercomputing Coursetargeted at SMEs unfamiliar with HPC technologies. Additionally, NCC Spain has developed a free access call (EuroCC Testbed) for companies and public administration to make use of HPC resources with consultancy and technical team support.

Attendees had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the world of cutting-edge infrastructures and services tailored specifically to help businesses harness the full potential of HPC. The summit offered actionable insights, networking opportunities with industry leaders, and revealed the transformative power of HPC in elevating organizational success.

For those unable to attend in person, the event was livestreamed on the FF4EuroHPC YouTube channel, accessible via the following link.
